Activating the Next Generation of Global Leaders

Equipping students for success

The Youth Diplomats Institute is a nine-month (September to May) real-world learning program that equips teens in Kansas and Missouri with the tools necessary for success in a global society. Selected participants meet once a month to build cross-cultural communication skills, discover college and career options, network with global experts, and participate in service projects alongside international visitors.


Goals of the Youth Diplomats Institute

Coming from a poor, rural area, YDI has presented me with invaluable opportunities to learn professional skills, become involved with diplomacy, and to network with the nation’s future leaders. My time with Global Ties has greatly expanded my professional network and global outlook, but it has also given me amazing friends, mentors, and experiences. ​

Program Activities

What to Expect

What You Can Look Forward To!

Examples of Past Sessions

Where Our Youth Diplomats Are From

Over 150 Alumni

From Over 60 schools

In 18 Counties


Frequently Asked Questions

1. Be open and curious about people and cultures, and

2. Be a Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior in high school throughout the full program.

There is no GPA or cost requirement for this program. Global Ties KC is looking for active participation and students who are passionate about claiming their role as citizen diplomats.

The Youth Diplomats Institute accepts candidates from a broad variety of communities throughout the Heartland for both our in-person and virtual cohorts. Both cohorts include periodic, optional opportunities to meet in person for activities that are supplemental to the monthly sessions.

Decisions are being made today that youth will be dealing with in their lifetime. We believe students have the right to be a part of the decision-making process, so we provide the tools to do so. The Youth Diplomats Institute puts you in intimate meetings with local and global leaders. Additionally, we provide targeted skill-building in negotiating, public speaking, and leadership to feel equipped moving into your global future.

In-Person: One Saturday per month, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm (lunch provided by Global Ties KC)

Virtual: One Tuesday per month, 6:30-8:30 pm

Successful completion of the program includes the following:

  • Attending 6 out of 8 session dates.
  • Completing a program capstone project that will further diplomacy in the participant’s community, picked from a menu of options provided by Global Ties KC. This will include time required outside of program session (approximately 10 hours over five months).

Interested in the Youth Diplomats Institute?

Applications for the Youth Diplomats Institute 2024-2025 cohort are open now!

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