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Global Robotics Exchange: Linking students from Morocco, Libya, and Kansas City through a love of robotics



Virtual exchange connects young people from diverse places using everyday technology for collaborative learning and interaction through sustained and facilitated engagement. Through virtual exchange programs, young people have access to life-changing opportunities that can shape their trajectories, bring new friends into their lives, and expand their worldviews. Virtual exchange is a vital learning tool with the capacity to connect people around the world on an unprecedented scale without a need for travel.  

Global Ties KC works every day to provide these connection points and is excited to continue doing so through the launch of the Global Robotics Exchange, connecting participants from Libya, Morocco, and the U.S. through cultural exchange and technical sessions related to STEM and robotics. The program provides personal exploration, professional development training, global learning, and STEM collaboration opportunities for young people in all three countries. These virtual exchange participants have the unique opportunity to join the existing FIRST Robotics Competition in global teams, where they benefit from in-depth instruction to help them further their team projects.  

FIRST Robotics Competition is an exciting extracurricular STEM competition that teams engineering professionals and high-school students to solve real-world engineering problems in fun, rewarding, and inspiring ways. In preparation for the competition, the Global Robotics Exchange allows participants to meet with teams across the globe to share best practices and lessons learned through their own robotics build seasons, while building relationships with their global peers.  

Global Ties KC is partnering with key organizations to make all of this happen. Thank you to the KC STEM Alliance, Lybotics, and Robots & More. The Global Robotics Exchange is implemented by Global Ties KC and is supported by the J. Christopher Stevens Virtual Exchange Initiative (JCSVEI). JCSVEI is a U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs program administered by the Aspen Institute.